!XFL105.ZIP 52,448 08-18-95 XenoFileLister (XFL) v.1.05w For RA
1LINER12.ZIP 24,467 06-27-95 OneLiner v1.20 [FreeWare] o Beautiful ANSiScreens o Customizable ANSis, if you want! oUsers can Select their Colors! o Upto 13 OneLiners with default ANSIs o No Delays orBeeps... o Looks like it's built in to RA! o
It's a RA Q-A File! (No Kidding!)
202FIX.ZIP 256,671 09-02-95 You do NOT need this file, IF you obtainedRASIS202.ZIP from The RaLin Software BBS. Andyou MAY not need it if you got the ZIP fromelsewhere, after it was fixed. This EXE/OVR
package fixes the problem with loading SETUPfiles when REGISTERED.
AF2RAU11.ZIP 9,281 06-08-95 AF_RAupd -=- Update RA2.0x with Allfix 4.31 [Version 1.10 ]- This program allows you toupdate Remote- Access's file areas withauto-added areas from ALLFIX version 4.31.Will not import Passthru areas. Uses directo
AUTORAGB.ZIP 10,666 08-19-95 MINIDOU BBS Presents << AUTORA >> FREEWARE !!FREWARE !! A LastCaller Menu Creator Noparametering. All you need is to run it aftereach User.
BBS900RA.ZIP 178,392 02-24-95 [ BBS900RA ] BBS900RA v1.3 For RemoteAccessSysOps running a "Pay Board" or if you justwant to accept contributions from yourcallers. This door utility will validate theCode numbers and update the Callers SecLevel,
Exp. Date, Flags, Group, and Credits. This isan easy way for your callers to make either$10 or $25 contributions to your BBS
BW22_DOS.ZIP 479,638 08-08-95 Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader/DOS v2.20. ABlue Wave and QWK-compatible offline mailreader which offers the utmost ease of useand configurability. This is a 16-bit DOStext mode program which works on systems
ranging from XTs to the Intel Pentium andcompatibles.
CDCHNG16.ZIP 53,692 02-16-95 CD-Rom Changer V1.6a Does your BBS have moreCD-ROMs than CD-Rom Drives? This prog willauto- matically detect which CD-ROM is in
CVS12RA.ZIP 84,419 08-06-95 Caller Validation System 1.2 Deluxe CBV forRA 2.x Checks duplicates, bad numbers, postmessages to the sysop/user. Customizable.Status display and enhanced reporting tools.Call collision detection and much much more!
DC3.ZIP 56,920 06-02-95 DC.EXE V1.2 Would you like to be able tocreate ANS/ASC screens showing who hasDROPPED CARRIER on your BBS? Would
DESKS110.ZIP 100,282 05-24-95 DESK 1.10 is a echomail statistics tool for G
DLC2.ZIP 40,504 04-28-95 DAILY LOG CUTTER V0.2 Would you like to beable to delete entries over a set number ofdays old in your RA.LOG file? DLC.EXE
DLINE22A.ZIP 68,623 08-18-95 DATELINE 2.2a Calendar bulletin maker for anyGenerates RIP, ANSI and ASCII bulletins, updaby deleting outdated entries. Contains a buifeature for easy monthly planning. This versi
documentation and registration procedures onlusers do not need this update.
DOSMNU20.ZIP 14,470 07-22-95 [ DOS MENU 2.0 ] Allows the sysop to have ados clone type of menu for RA 2.0x/2.0x+
FDRPR130.ZIP 87,453 05-03-95 FDRPR 1.30 - FrontDoor Request Processor forRemoteAccess. A request processor forFrontDoor 2.11 and above. Fully integratedwith both FD and RA, easy installation.Userdefinable response messages, which
include file descriptions, reasons forfailures, etc. Updates download counters.CD-ROM support. Limit the number of wildcardsthat may be used in a request. And much
FLISTDH3.ZIP 56,095 02-14-95 FLISTTDH.EXE V1.2 ALLFILES and NEWFILES listcreator for RemoteAccess BBS's. Fully userconfigurable.
FREECHAT.ZIP 48,510 08-08-95 FREECHAT 0.01 SplitScreen Chat for RA 2.0xthat will play RA format sound files forPaging. OS/2,Win and Desqview aware. Alsoincluded is a RA sound file Player that willplay sound files from a pulldown menu
interface without logging on to RA
HSLC10.ZIP 28,281 05-14-95 HS-LC v1.0 LastCaller Generator - Colors are
HSSTAT27.ZIP 24,466 08-10-95 HS-STAT v2.7 HS-STAT creates Statistics fromyour HMB Message-Base. Such as BEST-MESSAGE-WRITERS. BEST-MESSAGE- RECEIVERS andBEST-SUBJECTS. And post the statistics in theHMB! ShareWare,, only F25,-!!
IBANKV06.ZIP 142,433 07-30-95 IceBank v0.60 - Deluxe Time/Kbyte BankSystem. RA 2.0x. Many interesting features.
IEDITV14.ZIP 140,293 05-13-95 IceEdit v1.40 Deluxe FullScreen ANSi MessageEditor For Use With RemoteAccess 2.0xFeatures include: Random Tagline addition,character color config, Left ColumnJustification, Line-Centering, Textfile
exporting, Message Censoring, Macro Config,Configurable Function
IM2RA04.ZIP 16,051 07-20-95 IM2RA 0.4 IMAIL 1.70 to Remote Access1.xx/2.xx Convert Released July 1995 IM2RAconverts the IMAIL area/group configurationto the Remote Access messages.ra/mgroups.ra
ISERV200.ZIP 72,007 08-06-95 iServer 2.0 -=- Imports email from a fidonetnetmail source directly into your BBS makinginternet email seamless with your RA 2.x BBSPowerful server engine can reply with bounce
messages if the user does not exist on yoursystem. Complete info-bot request/respondingsystem. Restrict sites, functions and flow.Custom templating messages with metastrings!If you are using netmail for internet email
KILLUS12.ZIP 10,251 09-18-95 KillUser v1.2 (released 18 sept 1995) Thisutility will set the DELETED-flag in theRemoteAccess 2.x userbase. Users can bemarked for deletion based on Days,Minimum-level, Maximum-level or on a
flag-setting. This is a must for every sysopwith over 200 users, and why not? It is atleast MAILWARE, made by GoSoft; Gert deVente, RC of RANet
LYME.ZIP 56,930 05-23-95 LYME v. 1.00 Full featured TIC tosser forRemoteAccess 2.00 and greater. Offers easyset-up and use, full integration with RA,support for FILE_ID.DIZ, LDesc fields, RARcompression, ALLTICS.* files, selective
killing of areas, built-in 'Ticket' function,and more!
MAILADDR.ZIP 27,758 07-20-95 MAILADDR: Allows users to confirm/edit theiraddresses and optionally join a mailing listFor RA 2.x : FREEWARE
MNUSTAT1.ZIP 10,641 05-04-95 MenuStat v1.0 LlanoWare Checks your RA 2.0xmenus for unused and missing menus. Creates areport both to your screen and to the menudirectory. Shows which menus call the missingmenus.
MWJOIN10.ZIP 59,923 07-08-95 1.0 Conference Select-Door for RA 2.0xANS/AVT, Msgs/Files, Groups/Areas 1 and 2Columns-Mode, AllAreas-Mode Coloredgroup/areanames [optional] Lightbar andmarking chars selector Updates RA '@' and '`'
variables Type 49 and 50 parametercompatible
MWUSRD10.ZIP 59,920 05-07-95 Userlist Door for RA 2.x Version 1.0 Replaces
NEWSC2_0.ZIP 50,827 07-08-95 NEWSCAST V2.0 Create colourful NEWS.A?? filesfor RemoteAccess BBS's quickly and simplyfrom a plain text file with this program.Fully configurable NEW - Centralised textheader
NEWSC9C.ZIP 53,132 02-16-95 NEWSCAST V1.9c Create colourful NEWS.A??files for RemoteAccess BBS's quickly andsimply from a plain text
NODETRAK.ZIP 7,833 05-27-95 NODETRAK 0.01 Node Tracker for RA will allowthe sysop a report of all node activity at aquick glance.Can be run from the Dos Prompt,shelled from RA,run in a Desqview window OS/2box,or Windows.
NODMSG11.ZIP 55,917 07-04-95 NodeMsg 1.01 (RemoteAccess) MAJOR UPDATE ViewUsers Online, Send Online Message to Nodes,from DOS or Multi-Task program. SupportsWIN-DV-OS/2 TimeSlicing. Import and sendpre-written messages, or manualy enter. Many
enhancements to this version, with moreadding daily!! Command Line Send Message andmore.
OLF-DUTC.ZIP 33,384 09-01-95 "DUTCH.OLF" Language file, ansi/ascii screenshelp files, etc. - fully OLMS 2.5x compatible
OLMS250P.ZIP 304,492 05-12-95 OLMS Offline Mail System V2.50/Pro. AmazingQWK/QWKE/BlueWave mail door for RemoteAccess2.x. Includes keyword and filtering scans.Supports QWK nets Autoconfig shortlists,duplicate check taglines, sysop
forced/blocked, retear file requesting,selective bulletins, Automated mail runs.RIP. Configurable screens and multilanguagesupport! Has everything needed for high-endBBS's.
OLMS250Z.ZIP 235,167 05-12-95 OLMS Offline Mail System V2.50/111. AmazingQWK/QWKE/BlueWave mail door for RemoteAccess1.x. Includes keyword and filtering scans.Supports QWK nets Autoconfig shortlists,duplicate check taglines, sysop
forced/blocked, retear netmail costing,selective bulletins, Automated mail runs.RIP. Configurable screens and multilanguagesupport!
OLMSAM25.ZIP 53,497 05-16-95 Answering Machine V e r s i o n 2.50 HaveOLMS make Vacation Mail for your users andyourself!
PASTEL03.ZIP 33,362 09-01-95 Pastel/RA 0.3 An abs(brilliant) WHO'S CALLEDdoor for RemoteAccess. 3D ANSI AuroraMoonlight Generic
PSYSLD10.ZIP 25,708 07-04-95 Psychotic Productions' Presents Slide v.1.00WSlide basically moves on file area to anotherand visa versa. Best of all it's FREEWARE andeasy to use! Also as a bonus included is a
util. to strip unreg nags from Allfix logs
Q&A4RA10.ZIP 121,744 08-08-95 Q&A4RA10.ZIP - Questions & Answers for RA![Revision #10] How to setup programs such as:FrontDoor, FastEcho, xMail, AllFix, IceEdit,IceChat, GEdit, FRAME, Online Archive Master,RAUA, THDPro, JC-QWK, OLMS, BlueWave,
INSTAbank, CYBSTAT, FileStat, FDRPR, FMail,IceBank, IceUser, RATS, MC_CBV, RATick, andmore..! Also, setups for Protocols, DESQview,OS/2 Networks, 40+ Door Games & Tips about RA!
QAV101.ZIP 113,764 09-01-95 QAView 1.01 - For Q&A4RA Help Files Menudriven interface to Read, Print, and Edit thefiles found in the Help File package fromEric Staufer. NO External programs required.Initial Release. Future versions will be
included in the Q&A4RA package. This programis FREE!
QF11RA.ZIP 61,639 08-06-95 QuikFiler 1.1 for RemoteAccess 2.x Sick ofhaving to manually figure out where all thoseuploads go? Sick of inserting thedescriptions and high-ascii characters? Thisintelligent software 'reads' the files desc,
and suggests what areas to move them to, youcan insert the FILE_ID.DIZ with a single keystroke, options to clean or edit the desc.Change any of the file flags, hide/del/etc.Get info about the uploader and +/- credits
Q_NOTE20.ZIP 7,310 06-07-95 Quick Note Another "Note to All Users" A*very* elaborate Q-A setup for RemoteAccessThis Setup requires NO external ANSI screens.The only external program used is a BATch fil
that uses the DOS copy command. This is a VERelaborate setup for the professional RA SysOp
RAFAM1_1.ZIP 54,862 07-17-95 RAFAM.EXE V1.1 Would you like to be able tomove the areas in your RA filebase, to swapareas, copy areas, edit areas and more? Wellnow you can using RemoteAccess File AreaManager
RAFDLC17.ZIP 45,569 05-31-95 ===> Version 1.07 <=== RAtoFD and FDtoRA LastCaller Programs. Transfers last caller infobetween the two. Both programs included.Supports Multi-Line setups for FD/RA.Requires Front Door and RemoteAccess. Nows
tracks # calls from systems, imports Up/Dnbytes to FD's INB*.HIS
RAFE100.ZIP 49,184 08-02-95 R A F E v1.00 RemoteAccess from Fastecho Theutility RemoteAccess sysops have been waitingfor! Convert your FastEcho areas toRemoteAccess without changing the areanumbers or putting gaps in the numbering
RALPRO10.ZIP 21,732 09-20-95 RAL_PROC v.1.0 creates from an existingRemoteAccess language data file an humanreadable and editable data-file. And it cancreate from the previously created data filea new RAL file, with all your own adjustments.
RAMUD1_0.ZIP 36,804 05-27-95 RAMUD.EXE V1.1 Ever accidently deleted any ofyour BBS messages ? Well now you can quicklyundelete them again using
RANEWS00.ZIP 21,793 07-10-95 RemoteAccess Newsletter Prototype EditionSoftware Updates Questions and Answers BugReports RemoteAccess BBS Reviews and muchmore!
RASIS202.ZIP 713,567 09-01-95 RemoteAccess Sysops Information Service 2.02The definitive BBS System Reporter, coversall phases of your RA system, reports toFile,Screen,Printer. Print User Labels, IndexCards, Write Letters, Call Users via voice
phone, View Q-A files & Ansi Screens, userreports can be filtered, File Manager, also acompanion program with a bunch of unbelivablesysop utilities. Lots more!
RASTAT16.ZIP 42,428 07-18-95 RA_STATS v1.06 Excellent Stats Generator! ForRemoteAccess 2.0x! o How many calls received.o What speed callers called at. o How manylocal logins occured. o How many file areas
accessed. o # of Questionnaires Completed.etc..
RATIC22A.ZIP 22,641 08-18-95 RATick version 2.2 is a TIC file processorespecially designed for use with RemoteAccessBBS s/w. RaTick reads the TIC file, moves thefiles to designated directory, then callsRAFILE to import the descriptions from the
TIC file into Rafile database. This versionupdates documentation and registrationprocedures only. Registered users do not needthis file.
RAUSR209.ZIP 381,507 09-01-95 RAUSERS v 2.09 ( The Other RA-Editor ) RemoteAccess 2.0x complete Users Editor. Createbulletins, Query Users, Search for Data,Globally change items, ADD Users, ChangePasswords, Create Reports, GoTo & Locate
users by name, Pack/Purge, Fast Index create,and more. Bulletins are command line or menudriven. DupeCheck... Checks users base
REANSI12.ZIP 25,435 08-17-95 REANSI converts files from ANS (ANSI + PCGraphics), AVT (AVATAR 0+), ASC (RemoteAccesscolor codes), and backspacing printer formatsinto ANS, monochrome-ANS, plain ASCII, AVT,
and ASC. This program is free and comes withfull sources.
REGISTER.ZIP 34,400 06-30-95 Latest registrations forms for FastEcho
SHUTTLE.ZIP 9,796 07-17-95 A RemoteAccess Shuttle Type Menu system.Installs in minutes but is very Sysopfriendly. No more need for a CBV. It's 100%FREEware....
SNOOZE15.ZIP 53,082 08-06-95 SNOOZE v0.15b Background Mail DetectionSystem Find and process incoming and outgoingmail without interrupting your BBS. SNOOZEruns in the background under Desqview,Windows or OS/2 and finds incoming mail
bundles, TICs, and
SUP_ST11.ZIP 82,614 06-11-95 SUPER_ST v1.01 is an util that creates thestatisticscreens of FD & IM & RA 2.?? Itreads the INBOUND.HIS, OUTBOUND.HIS,FILES.RA, MESSAGE.RA and the USERS.BBS recordand creates DAY, WEEK, MONTH, list from
FrontDoor and SYSTEM, AREA Download
S_RCF091.ZIP 12,365 05-28-95 SHOW_RaColorFile (SHOWRCF) let you display100% RA-Color-Files, AVATAR, ANSI andASCII-files without ANSI-fossil and somedummy's for the RA-User codes.
T-ICONS.ZIP 2,396 03-19-95 Windows and OS/2 Icons for T-Mail
T-NODE.ZIP 74,881 05-11-95 T-Node v2.0 Nodelist Browser for T-Mail. View
T-NODEFX.ZIP 38,556 03-25-95 OS/2 Executable for T-Node
T-QUE_09.ZIP 21,173 01-27-95 T-Mail Queue Inspector - check what is in the
TABSRA.ZIP 149,022 02-19-95 [ TabsRA ] TabsRA v2.04 For RemoteAccessSysOps running a "Pay Board" or if you justwant to accept contributions from yourCallers. This utility door will validate theTabs SID and update the Callers SecLevel,
SubDate, Flags, Group, and Credits. This isan easy way for your callers to make either$10 or $25 contributions to your BBS.
TAG_D_01.ZIP 92,193 06-10-95 TAG_DOWN v1.00 is a MINI download-door, whichis 100% compatible with RA_2_TAG. It gives anuser more DETAILED information than theinternal downloadoption from RA like:DL-TIME, spacial files-status information
TFILE078.ZIP 49,585 09-01-95 TOPFILE v0.78 A Freeware 'Top DownloadedFiles' Bulletin Generator * Can exclud
THD_11.ZIP 283,675 03-05-95 THD ProScan Version 11.0 File/Upload Tester/C
TIM386G1.ZIP 276,629 07-16-95 Registered users only! TimEd 1.10.g1; Gammaversion for timEd 1.10. DOS 32 bit (386)version.
TIMG1.ZIP 269,491 07-16-95 Registered users only! TimEd 1.10.g1; Gammaversion for timEd 1.10. DOS version.
TIMG1P.ZIP 254,257 07-16-95 Registered users only! TimEd 1.10.g1; Gammaversion for timEd 1.10. OS/2 32 bit version.
TNEWZ100.ZIP 17,900 06-27-95 The NEWZ v1.00 [FreeWare] Written by: EricStaufer o Great News/Note to Next CallerDoor! o Beautiful ANSi Screens o CustomizableANSis, if you want! o Users can Select theirColors! o Upto 7 Lines of News w/default
ANSIs o No Delays or Beeps... o Looks likeit's built in to RA!
TODAY027.ZIP 62,262 09-01-95 ONTODAY v0.27 A Freeware 'Todays Callers to.' Bulletin Generator * Displays T
TSTAT042.ZIP 62,779 09-01-95 TOPSTAT v0.42 A Freeware BBS Stats programGenerates 14 Bulletins: * Top Call
TTOP100A.ZIP 17,470 12-16-94 TurboTOP v1.00a ASCII/ANSI statistics filegenerator for RemoteAccess v2.xx. Outputsinformation on best message writers, callers,downloaders, uploaders, and much more! BySteve Blinch of Mikerosoft Productions. [SB94]
USERON10.ZIP 11,812 09-13-95 UserOn/RA 1.00. *FREEWARE* Allows you to putfake users on the "who's online" list inRemoteAccess 2.02. Great for letting yourusers know what's happening on each node ofyour system.
VARIANS7.ZIP 42,998 08-22-95 VARIANS.EXE V1.7 Would you like to be able tovary your WELCOME.A??/GOODBYE.A?? or ANY.ANS/ASC files on your BBS each time a usercalls? Well now you can. VARIANS.EXE willpick the screen to be displayed from Sysop
defined list
VARIPMT1.ZIP 37,370 08-21-95 VARIPMT.EXE V1.00 Would you like to be ableto vary the prompt shown to users when theyenter their password ? Well now you can.VARIPMT.EXE will pick the prompt to bedisplayed from a Sysop definable list.
VARIQOT1.ZIP 47,534 06-29-95 VARIQOT.EXE V1.1 One/Two line quote screencreator Would you like to be able to vary aquote screen EVERY time a user logs on ?VARIQOT.EXE will pick a quote from a SYSOPdefined list each time a user logs on.
XUE01.ZIP 48,605 09-01-95 XUE 0.1: Excellent User Editor for RA 2.0x.XUE is a highly configurable online utilityfor sysops of the RemoteAccess BBS package.Although XUE is still in development, italready features a classic menu stack,
descriptive macros, formatting codes, ANSI,AVATAR, RA ^K color codes, HexPipe colors, aWin<tm>